3 Easy and Natural Ways to Remove DHT from the Scalp

There won’t be a single clinic for hair transplant in Delhi that does not receive queries on natural ways to get rid of DHT from the scalp. We have taken note of this trending phenomenon and taken upon ourselves to share a few ideal scalp solutions to help remove DHT naturally.

Step 1: Exfoliation

New hair don’t grow because the area where they exist is clogged due to dead skin, pollutants, hair care products, embedded sebum, and epidermis plaque. Hence, it is crucial to exfoliate scalp regularly.
Instead of using just any chemical-based scalp scrub, we would recommend you to try making one at home. You will need the following:
    • Ginger
    • Blender
    • Lemon Juice
    • Celtic Sea Salt
    • Cucumber
    • Activated Charcoal (Powered)
Mix a half tablespoon of Celtic sea salt and 1 teaspoon of powered activated charcoal with 100 ml of ginger and cucumber juice and 1 whole lemon juice. Put the mixture in an empty shampoo bottle and shake well. All the ingredients will blend really well together this way.
Apply this mixture on the scalp area where you want hair to grow. Massage gently and leave it for about 10 minutes as the ginger and lemon break up the epidermis plaque. Rinse it thoroughly with warm water.
You can use this mixture more than one time if the plaque has not removed completely from your scalp or if that’s what you feel.

Step 2: Cleaning

Wash your hair regularly—twice or thrice in a week. Pollutants pile up on your scalp daily. Hence, it is important to keep your hair clean every day. However, washing your hair daily is not advisable as this robs your scalp of natural moisturizer making your hair dry and brittle.

Step 3: Diet

Some people will notice that despite exfoliating scalp regularly, the plaque builds up quickly again. This happens due to the excessive production of sebum. To control the production of sebum, you must bring some changes to your diet.
Avoid fried food items, condiments, and junk processed food items.
Drink 500 milligrams of water with 1 lemon squeezed in. This clears your digestive system very effectively.
Supplement your diet with green powders. These powders are helpful in absorbing unhealthy oils in your body. You can

have these powders with your morning shakes and smoothies.
By doing the aforementioned, you will see significant improvement in your hair growth and also save big money on hair transplant in Kolkata


  1. Excellent information! Thanks for sharing with us! Really helpful and supportive information. One of the best solution to the hair loss or baldness problems is the surgery Hair Transplant in India


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