All Facts One Should Know About Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is a very different kind of hair loss. Like most of the other forms of alopecia, it does not happen due to the malfunctioning of our immune system. It is caused by traction or, in other words, pulling.
There are certain hairstyles that pull the hairline forcefully towards the vertex of the scalp. This causes hair follicles to fall out over a period of time causing complete baldness on a particular area of the scalp.
Traction alopecia is commonly seen in African American women who generally keep their hair tightly pulled back. People who wear a turban (men from Indian Sikh community), tight braids, hair weaves or cornrows and Japanese women are also vulnerable to this hair loss condition.
Traction alopecia starts from the front of the head. The hairline recedes gradually revealing the surface of the scalp. This condition can affect people from all age groups.

Signs of Traction Alopecia

Itching, dandruff, and hair thinning are a couple of initial symptoms of traction alopecia. You may notice hair falling out while combing. Some people also experience pain and tingling sensation in the affected area. Although pain is restricted to the affected area, there are chances that you may feel pain in other parts of the scalp as well.
Traction alopecia may also lead to permanent hair loss due to scarring. In some cases, traction alopecia causes scales and pustules.


Early diagnosis of the problem is very helpful in treating the condition as it can also help prevent permanent hair loss successfully. Patients should keep their hair loose to avoid putting any pressure on hair. It will help hair regenerate and get back to normal.
If patients have already lost hair permanently, then the only option to restore them is a hair transplant, if you are looking for a clinic for hair transplant in Delhi choose Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) to get your hair back. It is the world’s most advanced hair transplant technique in which hair follicles are extracted one by one using finest single-use instruments. There is no scarring and pain with DHI.
The treatment of traction alopecia also includes oral and topical medications in case of infection in hair follicles. Inflammation of the skin is alleviated by cortisone injections and topical cortisone creams.
Early diagnosis plays a key role in curing traction alopecia. If you are also suffering from hair loss, you must seek a medical consultation with an expert now.


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