DHI vs FUE : Difference between DHI Technique and FUE Technique

The difference in DHI and FUE is huge. While we were one of the first companies to pioneer FUE commercially back in 2002, we then went on to refine it and launch the DHI hair transplant technique in 2010. DHI is a comprehensive system, where all aspects of the hair transplant procedure, including the training of Doctor and the medical protocols are standardized and strictly implemented. It is due to this fact that DHI is offered only by the 70 company clinics around the world.

While there are numerous differences in DHI and FUE, we have tried to showcase some of the differences related to the extraction tools (extraction punch) used in both the techniques below. An extraction punch is a tool, which is used to extract the hair follicles from the donor area of a client.

The top package is of the DHI punch and bottom package is the FUE punch.
1.     Sterile vs non-sterile – The sterility of the equipment used in any procedure is very important. If they are not properly sterile, it may cause infection to the patient. While the DHI punches are sterile from source, the FUE punch needs to be undergo sterilization in the procedure room itself. Maintaining the sterility chain of the punch is a very expensive endeavour.
2.     Steel punch vs Titanium coated punch – Titanium is the most non-reactive material, which is used extensively in medical procedures. This ensures that the chances of infection is much lower.
3.     Country of origin – A DHI punch is made specifically for us and is imported directly from USA. Due to stringent protocols, it is a very expensive tool.
4.     Size of the punch – The size of the punch for DHI ranges from 0.7mm to 1.0mm while for FUE, it is 1.2mm to 1.5mm. This causes high trauma to the donor area.
5.     Sharpness of the punch – We have shown a sharp FUE punch in the above picture. However, most clinics do not even use the sharp punch due to their higher relative cost. They use a semi-sharp or blunt punch and use the power of the drill to extract follicles. This causes a lot more trauma to the scalp than required.

6.     Punch holder – DHI uses a hand-held punch holder, which is very easy to sterilize. In FUE, a motorized holder is used to hold the punch, which can never be fully sterilized. Pictures of both is shown below:
<Picture of both punch holders>
Due to the above-mentioned reasons, it is evident why the cost of the DHI punch is almost 10 times that of FUE punch. And DHI hair transplant technique is far better than FUE hair transplant technique.

DHI is one of the premium clinics for getting hair transplant in Delhi.  


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