Learn More About DHI Microsurgery Hair Transplant

The obvious benefit from having a microsurgery hair transplant procedure is the visible hair restoration result. Hair is thicker and the hairline aesthetically corrected and redesigned to compliment the face and restore youthfulness. Having great hair and the result from a successful hair restoration procedure can be so much more than superficial. It can affect a person right to their core. We discuss the top 3 unexpected, subliminal results (but perhaps just as important as the evident results) from a microsurgery hair restoration procedure. But first, let’s talk about the psychological effects of hair loss. The Psychological Effects Of Hair Loss It is reported that over 60% of men who experience hair loss suffer negative psychological effects. Many men report becoming socially withdrawn because they are self-conscious about their appearance. The negative emotions that hair loss can cause include: feeling less attractive fear of becoming bald fear of getting old los...